Access to healthcare is a fundamental human right, yet rural communities like Kyanjiri in Uganda face significant challenges in accessing essential medical services. At Start the Ripple, we understand the critical need to bridge this gap and improve healthcare accessibility for all. Our mission is to empower communities by enhancing access to healthcare and promoting well-being.

Our Impact:

- Educated students on basic disease pathogens and proper hand-washing techniques to prevent illness

- Distributed deworming tablets to students to combat parasitic infections

- Provided treatment for malaria and other common illnesses among students

Future Plans:

- Establish a clinic within Ebenezer Junior School to offer comprehensive healthcare services to students and the community

- Conduct regular health check-ups and consultations with nurses or physicians for students and villagers

- Provide basic medications and financial assistance for those unable to afford healthcare services

- Implement health education programs focusing on disease prevention, nutrition, and exercise to improve overall community well-being

- Forge partnerships with local clinics and healthcare professionals to collaborate in providing enhanced healthcare services to underserved populations